Treatise on Present State of Affairs

An Satirical Inquiry into Curious Maladies of Age

Discerning public, be awarned. What follows is an most earnest investigation into perplexing afflictions of our modern world:

  • Laid bare of foot, soul and soil;

  • Makeover, possess fortitude to toil.

In times of unparalleled progress, it become great ambition of our species to place every facet of existence under dominion of AI, which like an usurper cloaked in benevolence - proffers to write novels, compose melodies and adjudicate disputes. Shall we not preserve liberty in freedom to think? Shall we entrust grand affairs of life and liberty to a faceless automaton, which algorithms know naught of love nor remorse, nor take delight from an error well made? Let muses think for themselves.

No Small Measure dismays “Clergy of our Age”: social pulpit-eers, whom daily pronounce Personal Virtue to The Masses by tap of a finger (or even a thumb, if not incapacitated by Dupuytren’s Conjecture).

  • Acolytes of Morality design Social Unrules;

  • Thereby, acquire votes from Unthinking Fools.

In ongoing, excited fervour… world continues much the syme:

Great Merchants of Time (corporate titans of syme) take great burden upon themselves, in tasks of morality.

  • Sing hymns of Happenstance!

  • Environmental, Social, and Govern-ance

Letters between Themselves are as mysterious to themselves as concepts they purport to champion. Financial Alchemists - when pressed by free expression - could no more define “ESG” than they could recite The Virtues they claim to embody. Such Virtues - I now contend - are not qualities they possess, but rather a bauble they rent for the occasion.

On matters of Health and Wellness, let us not linger long, for what was once a noble pursuit has descended into absurdity. One is now expected to consume powders of kale, waters infused with intentions and practices designed to balance Galen’s 4 Humours, but none offer anything beyond “lightening of the purse”. I must conclude that Wellness - like some other nameless commodities of our Age - is but a fabrication (designed for soothing The Wealthy into believing they Shalt never Die).

Ah, yet a greater deception is afoot! The proliferation of conspiracy - not from the feeble minds of the citizenry, but from those who rule over them. Indeed, I hold fast to the conviction that the true architects of deception are not those who whisper of hidden cabals in hushed tones, but rather the very elite whom Themselves create such whispers to obscure the iron chains of inequality that bind us all. Art of Governance, it seems, may be indistinguishable from Art of Misdirection.

And what of daily toil? Pursuit of productivity - heralded as means to self-improvement - is a worthy goal; yet, easily misconstrued as a mechanism for oppression: an endless wheel, spun by those who profit by exhaustion of others? Tomes of self-help and industrious schedules hide powerful men (and, increasingly, powerful women) behind curtains, counting coins and laughing at others, whilst biting their tongues.

As for the matter of relationships with artificial companions! such mechanised bearers of fake boobs: void of breath, of warmth, of all that renders humanity sublime - one can only conclude that such an arrangement is nothing less than an organised crime against mankind. Shall we exchange the complexity of human affection for the cold comfort of an imagined silicon embrace? I think not!

Even amidst such absurdities! there emerges an enterprise most curious. A series of peculiar objects - once deemed unremarkable by those of lesser discernment - elevated to a Realm of High Art. These enigmatic relics, whose weight alone defies all laws of nature, were recovered from some clandestine shore, their origins tied in whispers to the drifting sovereign on his golden throne. Scholars debate, poets speculate and the world awaits with bated breath as these artefacts prepare for auction.

And so - thus - my Friends: Ass we cast our gaze upon the horizon of human folly, let us remember:

  • Where absurdity reigns supreme,

  • Satire, only, can Gleam!


Mysterious “Coprolites” Wash Ashore